All About Candida

What Is Candida albicans? Candida is generally an umbrella term for the different species of yeast-like fungus that inhabit the intestinal, genital and oral cavities.

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Leaky Gut Syndrome

Here at The Functional Gut Clinic, patients commonly ask us about ‘leaky gut syndrome’ and how this relates to IBS type symptoms. Leaky gut is not something we diagnose, as it is not officially recognised as a diagnosable disease in modern medicine. However, many naturopaths cite leaky gut syndrome as a cause of many long-term health problems, from IBS to chronic fatigue and multiple sclerosis.

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Constipation Symptoms and Their Danger

At some point in our lives, many of us will suffer from constipation symptoms occasionally. Diet, a disruption to your normal lifestyle, medications – all these factors can be causes of constipation and can often be easily explained and treated.

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Acid Reflux Tips and Danger

We all experience acid reflux symptoms sometimes. Heart burn, chest pain, nausea, pain that sets in after a big meal – all these are common symptoms of acid reflux disease that can be easily identified.

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Do you have IBS-D? We need you!

We've got a number of exciting research trials to help change the future of IBS-D. Join us, we're shaping the future of IBS.