Carbohydrate Lactose Malabsorption Test order form
Carbohydrate Lactose Malabsorption Test order form

Carbohydrate Lactose Malabsorption Test order form

1. Personal details
2. Preparing for your test
3. Confirm order

You have been referred for a Carbohydrate Lactose Malabsorption Test by a healthcare professional. Please complete this form as soon as possible and we will arrange your test to be sent out by first class post.

Please allow a few minutes to read through the instructions on how to prepare for your test.

If your insurance provider is covering the cost of your test, you will need to obtain a pre-authorisation code from them, please quote the test code AA567 when requesting your pre-authorisation code.

Kind regards, Functional Gut Team

Will you be paying for your test?

Please select the option that applies