Refer your patient for GI physiology testing
Our functional gastrointestinal disorder testing services are amongst the fastest, most accurate and most efficient in the UK today.
Using the latest technology, our highly trained, experienced team offers a trusted, proven and convenient way to help you diagnose your patients’ gastrointestinal health problems.
And when you refer a patient for a test, they remain your patient – not ours. So you can refer them with complete confidence.
All other referrals
Click to download your Physiology Request Form for all our other available tests.
Available tests
- Oesophageal manometry (high resolution with impedance)
- Reflux testing (24-hour pH with impedance)
- Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) breath test
- Carbohydrate malabsorption breath test
- Gastric emptying test
- Electrogastrogram
- Anorectal manometry (high resolution with sensory testing)
- Defaecography
- Endoanal ultrasound
- Pudendal nerve function test
- Whole-gut transit
- Helicobacter pylori breath test
- Laryngopharyngeal reflux testing
- Biofeedback
- Gastric Alimetry™ test
- Pharyngeal Manometry
- Gastric acid output study
- Hydrogen sulphide breath testing

Want to know more about our tests?
Our team are happy to help with any specific questions about our tests. Please feel free to get in touch.
Call us call on 0207 486 7777 or send an email