Oesophageal manometry is a test used to measure the function of the oesophagus and lower oesophageal sphincter. This test will look at how your oesophagus, or food pipe, works when you swallow.
You may be referred for an oesophageal manometry if your doctor or consultant wants to find out about any reflux, chest discomfort and/or why you’re having difficulty or pain while swallowing. There could be a medical reason for your reflux which oesophageal manometry would help clarify. This could include a problem with the sphincter muscle holding the bottom of the food pipe shut. It could also be an indication of underlying health problems.
This test is often performed in combination with reflux testing.
Before you test, there are some things we ask you to do, to ensure safety and accurate results. This includes stopping certain medication and fasting for a short period.
Please read our patient information leaflet for full details.
You must stop eating and drinking and fast for 6 hours before your test.
You can have small sips of water (maximum of 300ml) until the start of your test
You may take your essential medicines with a small amount of water
You may brush your teeth
ⓘ If you are diabetic requiring insulin or diabetes medicine, please ask your doctor if you should change your morning dose. Oral hypoglycaemic medicines are usually not taken that morning until completion of the test and you start eating again.
The results will be displayed as a wave pattern that can be analysed by our clinical team to see if your oesophagus is functioning normally.
An oesophagus functionality test like this will use the catheter to measure the rhythmic muscle contractions that occur in your oesophagus while swallowing. The catheter will measure these contractions as well as the force and coordination of your oesophagus muscles as they move food into your stomach.
Oesophageal manometry is helpful when diagnosing certain disorders that affect your oesophagus.
Following your test, your data will be analysed and results written up into a report.
The report will be sent to both you and your referring consultant/doctor, who will explain the results to you in a follow-up consultation.
Self-paying: If you are paying for this test yourself and not through insurance, the cost will be £1,060.
This cost includes the oesophageal manometry, analysis and report.
If you have private medical insurance, most companies can cover this for you.