Methane breath test

Our Methane Breath CH4ECK™ test can quickly and easily detect elevated levels of breath methane in people with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).


What is the methane test?

The Methane Breath CH4ECK™ is a quick and simple test for the detection of intestinal methanogen overgrowth (IMO) – a potential cause for bloating.

It can identify an abnormal growth of microorganisms in the gut called methanogens. Methanogens produce methane gas and excessive methane production is a potential cause of bloating.

Around half of the population have methanogens in their gut, but in some people they can overgrow. We call this intestinal methanogen overgrowth (IMO). In addition to bloating, IMO is associated with belching, flatulence, nausea, and constipation.

This breath test detects methane gas produced by methanogens in the intestinal tract. The methane is absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to the lungs where it is exhaled, and it can then be collected in breath samples for analysis. The Methane Breath CH4ECK™ will tell you how much methane is being produced and if you have IMO.

How it works

T he Methane Breath CH4ECK™ is very simple. Your test kit will be sent to you and will contain two breath collection tubes.

A breath sample is given by blowing into one tube through the straw provided for around 3-5 seconds.

Then this is repeated for the second tube.

Download the information leaflet

Preparing for your test

Before you test, there are some things we ask you to do, to ensure safety and accurate results. This includes stopping certain medication and fasting for a short period.

Please read our patient information leaflet for full details.

For 12 hours before your test

You must stop eating and drinking and fast for 12 hours before your test.

The day of your test

  • You can have small sips of water (maximum of 300ml) until the start of your test

  • You may take your essential medicines with a small amount of water

  • You may brush your teeth, but please try not to swallow any toothpaste

x You should not eat anything in the morning before your test

x Do not eat, drink (except water), chew gum, smoke, eat breath mints and/or other sweets in the morning before your test

If you are diabetic requiring insulin or diabetes medicine, please ask your doctor if you should change your morning dose. Oral hypoglycaemic medicines are usually not taken that morning until completion of the test and you start eating again.

Getting your test results

You'll be asked to return the breath samples in the provided free returns envelope on the same day of your test and ask for proof of postage at the counter.

Your results will be sent by secure email. We aim to send out all results within 48-hours of your test arriving back to us.

If your test is positive, you will be sent an information guide along with the results of your test with the potential next steps. If you are positive for IMO and believe it may be contributing to your symtoms, then seeking help from a healthcare professional is advised.

Paying for your test

Self-paying: If you are paying for this test yourself and not through insurance, the cost will be £74.99

Insurance coverage

If you have private medical insurance, you may like to check with your provider to see whether they can cover this for you.

Got a question or want to find out more about our tests?

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